October 23, 2007

Ten Seconds Before Sunrise

Silence... as your senses come to, you feel a cadence... waves... washing on the wet shore's sand...

You squint open your eyes, and gaze at the horizon. A faint orange glow is rising above the dark waters. You feel cold, but you don't shiver. Midsummer, you know it will get warmer. You trust in the sun to light and heat you. You're not cold...

As you get to your feet, you feel the first light of dawn upon your face and into your eyes. In the distance, seagulls fly erratically above the water. It's so peacefull... But you know,... you know... it's just the calm before the storm - you won't be alone for long... it won't be this quiet for long... and soon the sun will light up the shore. As the water catches on fire in the distance, you shake off the sand that appears to have slipped into the very fabric of your being.

Another day, the sun is up, rise and shine! time to make it count.

1 comment:

denora said...

flight of thought, dream metamorphosis, far away...
ray of hope,deep inspiration...
uplifting senses of beauty...