I woke up that next morning... The memory of her so alive, so palpable... The thoughts in my head so vivid. My eyes closed, my eyelids caressed by the light of the mid-day sun. Why did I get up so late? Oh, my god... I was late for work...
I opened my eyes, and realized the curls of hair touching my hand were not my own. My dream... it was true. There she was, asleep, laying naked next to me, half covered by the soft blue sheet.
I was dumbfound. That's right... she came. She was supposed to be here, but I'd have never imagined it would go this far. I thought it was a dream. We stood up all night, into the wee hours of the morning. We'd laughed about the subway ride... We showered together... I'd picked her up at the train station last night... I had stripped her clothes off of her one by one. We did have that pillow fight... It had all happened, even though I couldn't put it all back in order. And she was so far away into her dreams, undisturbed by my inner turmoil.
As it all started to make sense, I gently wiped her unkempt hair away from her face, back behind her ear, and over her naked shoulder, and just stared blank at her... through her... into her... She wiggled her nose, and gently opened her eyes. She was, for a moment, just as confused as I had been, but she soon came to, and smiled. I smiled back...
'Now what?'
'I have no idea...'
'...I could get used to this.'
'I don't think we should...'
I opened my eyes, and realized the curls of hair touching my hand were not my own. My dream... it was true. There she was, asleep, laying naked next to me, half covered by the soft blue sheet.
I was dumbfound. That's right... she came. She was supposed to be here, but I'd have never imagined it would go this far. I thought it was a dream. We stood up all night, into the wee hours of the morning. We'd laughed about the subway ride... We showered together... I'd picked her up at the train station last night... I had stripped her clothes off of her one by one. We did have that pillow fight... It had all happened, even though I couldn't put it all back in order. And she was so far away into her dreams, undisturbed by my inner turmoil.
As it all started to make sense, I gently wiped her unkempt hair away from her face, back behind her ear, and over her naked shoulder, and just stared blank at her... through her... into her... She wiggled her nose, and gently opened her eyes. She was, for a moment, just as confused as I had been, but she soon came to, and smiled. I smiled back...
'Now what?'
'I have no idea...'
'...I could get used to this.'
'I don't think we should...'
Ferry Corsten ft. Shelley Harland - Holding On
So wonderful! I hope everyone has mornings as beautiful as this one ^-^
O mangaiere usoara ii alinta fata. Stramba usor din nas si deschide cu greu pleoapele desfatate de lumina tandra a pranzului. Usor confuza isi atinteste privirea pe fila de pe noptiera de langa ea. Pe foaie zambeste indraznet o fata cu buclele revarsandu-se peste nurii albi. Atunci ea surade si-si aminteste...
Venise aseara. Isi pusese visele intr-un tren care o ducea spre el. O asteptase la gara. Visul ei prinsese din ce in ce mai mult contur. Au ras impreuna despre mii de lucruri fara sens. O desenase tarziu in noapte, pe canapeaua moale. S-au jucat mai apoi cu balonasele de sapun si el i-a oferit masajul acela magic. Intr-o clipa totul are sens in mintea ei.
Simte rasuflarea lui calda si mana protectoare care ii cuprinde sanul. Se intoarce spre el si ii zambeste. El ii zambeste inapoi dezvelindu-si dupa mult timp stralucirea din priviri. O strange in brate si ea se pierde in mainile lui puternice sorbind cu nesat bucuria de a fi a lui, fara sa-i pese de asteptarea prin care trecuse. In sfarsit, sosise clipa in care se puteau arunca fara teama in jocul acela frenetic...
I can't believe it's been almost two years... And it's still hard to believe that after all the bullshit we've been through, in the end, it's still just the two of us in a tiny room, holding on to each other like there's nothing else we could ever need in the universe. Still no idea about what's going to happen next and still so hard to tell if we should... but so many hopes and so many dreams that hang on our stories and moments of happiness.
I never even dared to dream that someone could make me so happy that I could cry, but I got better than that: I got you right there with me sharing my happiness and I love you for that and for how free you make me feel by sharing such a wonderful story with me. Happy anniversary honey!
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