September 24, 2008

I Bruise Easily

It's been a long time... I've been doing a lot of thinking, and came to realize that, in the rush of things, we rarely ever think of people we affect... I rarely think about them... I've thought of all the times I said mean things to people who let me into their hearts, and all the times I've hurt those who didn't deserve it.

Sadly, it's all made worse by the fact that most of my friends are girls. And I know that as time has passed, I've hurt some of them a lot. The words I said, the things i did... Or those I never said or did. They all left their mark. I know it's too late for a lot of them to find this out, care about it, or even read it. But, at least now, I know how sorry I am about all of this.

I could have done so much to make things better, and I probably never realized just how wicked I was. I left a lot of bruises behind, on kind and gentle souls who opened up and let me in. I've come to know how it feels to have this happen to me. And now... all that's left for me to do is apologize, even though nobody will probably care about it now. At least I know, for my own peace, that I did the right thing.

Natasha Bedingfield - I Bruise Easily

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